How to self-sign a document as an administrator?

Updated by Chris Storms

To be able to self-sign a document, you have to be administrator of Documents.
To have an existing document signed (i.e. a document already uploaded in HR Selfservice Documents)
  • Go to the Employees tab.
  • Choose the menu Documents.
  • Go to the document you want to sign.
Documents in a public folder or in the folder expenses or absences cannot be signed.
  • Select the document
  • Click on Signature at the bottom of the page
  • Select Self-sign.
  • Choose the signing method
More info about the different signing methods can be found here. Checkbox is not available in case of self-signing.
  • Indicate on the document where you want the signature to be placed.
    The rectangle turns green as soon as it is large enough. Use the arrows to go to the next/previous page.

To have a new document signed (i.e. a document not yet uploaded in HR Selfservice Documents).
  • Go to the tab Employees.
  • Choose the menu Documents.
  • Click on Signature at the bottom of the page
  • Select Self-sign new document
Documents in a public folder or in the folder expenses or absences cannot be signed.
  • Upload a new document.
  • Choose the folder where you want to save the document.
  • Click on Next.
  • Choose the signing method.
More information about the different signing methods can be found here. Checkbox is not available in case of self-signing.
  • Indicate on the document where you want the signature to be placed.
    The rectangle turns green as soon as it is large enough. Use the arrows to go to the next/previous page.

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