How can I transfer leave to next year?

Updated by Maarten De Puysseleir

  • Go to 'Organisation'. 
  • Click on 'Mass updates'. 
  • Click on 'Transfer leave rights. 
  • Select the year from which and the year to which you want to transfer leave rights in the top left corner. 
  • Then click on 'Add leave right'. 
  • Complete the created row next to the leave right. 


You can then select the leave right from which you want to make a transfer in the first column of the table on the page. 

You can then select the leave right to which you want to transfer (for example statutory leave to last year's holiday).  

Select the maximum number of days you want to transfer. If there are more days left in a leave right than this maximum, they will not be transferred. 

Select until which date these transferred days can be taken. 


  • Click on 'Next step'. 
  • Select the employees whose leave you want to transfer in the left-hand column. 
  • Click on the right arrow between the two columns. 
  • Click on 'Next step'. 
  • If a right of the same type with the same validity already exists, choose whether the leave rights will be replaced by the new right in the new year, or whether the new right will be added to the existing right. 
  • Click on 'Save'. 

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