How to handle received onboarding forms?

Updated by Chris Storms

Go to the tab Organisation > Onboarding

Open the form with the 3 dots on the right of the card.

You have 3 options

Send data to Payroll

You have all the information you need and want to send the data to Payroll to complete the contract details there. This completes the onboarding process in HR Selfservice. The new employee will receive an e-mail with the personal data you will use in Payroll.

Once in Payroll, you can still change or supplement the sent data, by the way.

Send form

Data are still missing or some data do not seem correct. Send the form back to the new employee with a new cover letter (at the bottom of the form).


You may want to add certain data yourself and save them but not yet send them directly back to the employee or to Payroll.

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