Approval of leave cancellations

Updated by Chris Storms

You can select whether to allow employees to cancel leave or not and, if so, whether such cancellations must be approved.

To adjust these preferences go to Organsiation > Settings absences.

Remember, this applies only to employees. An administrator may still cancel any type of leave at any time.

Overview of the various possibilities

Past leave (approved or not)

Employees may never cancel such leave.

Only an administrator may remove past leave.

This has not changed.

Future leave that is not yet approved

Employees may always cancel such leave entries.

Employee who make an incorrect entry must be free to correct their mistakes.

This has not changed.

Approved future leave

You can now select one of three options for each type of leave.



The employee may never cancel this type of leave

As an administrator, you must cancel (remove) the leave yourself if necessary.


An employee may cancel the leave but cancellations must be approved


The employee’s leave approver will receive a notification e-mail (along with the other requests) that he/she must process.


An employee may cancel the leave without approval

The employee’s leave approver receives an e-mail alert, but is not required to approve the leave.


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