How can I give or deny someone access?

Updated by Maarten De Puysseleir

  • Go to 'Organisation'. 
  • Select 'Access rights'.   Here you can select the type of access an employee has for each module. The options are as follows: 
    • Inactive
      The employee can't access the module and has no calendar. (These employees are not billed.) 
    • Cannot encode
      The employee can't access the module, but does have a calendar, which has to be managed by someone else in the module. (These employees are billed.) 
    • Guest access
      The employee can access the module, but does not have a calendar. (These employees are billed.) 
    • Can encode
      The employee can access the module and has a calendar. (These employees are billed.) 


You can also manage a person's access rights with the 'Employees' menu. 


  • Go to 'Employees'. 
  • Select the person from the list on the left. 
  • Click on 'Settings'. 


You will find the access rights on the bottom left there. The access names are the same as in the company roles screen.  

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