How can I request or remove a day's leave in the team calendar?

Updated by Maarten De Puysseleir

To request a day’s leave:

  • Select the day on the team calendar
  • Click on ‘Request’ in the bottom right corner
  • Select ‘Absence request’ on the menu -> this will open the ‘Leave request’ pop-up window
  • Select the absence type you wish to request on the pop-up window
  • Enter the daily period or number of hours
  • You may also enter a reason and an attachment if required
  • Click on ‘Submit’

To remove a day’s leave:

  • Select the day on your team calendar where the leave request was made
  • Click on ‘Delete’ in the bottom right corner -> this will open the ‘Delete request’ pop-up window
  • Click on ‘Delete’ on the pop-up window -> this will open a deletion confirmation window
  • Click on ‘Yes’ to confirm

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