An employee wants to request a certain absence type, but is unable to select it.

Updated by Maarten De Puysseleir

The list of options only shows the absence types to which the logged-in user is entitled. These rights can be set by the administrator. There are three possible reasons why an employee does not see the absence type: 


  1. The employee has no leave entitlements for that absence type: 
  • Go to 'Employees'. 
  • Select the employee from the list on the left.  
  • Go to 'Settings'. 
  • Select the 'Leave rights' tab. 
  • Check whether the employee has the leave rights.  


  1. The employee has already used up their leave rights.  
  • Go to 'Employees'.  
  • Select the employee from the list on the left.  
  • Go to 'Settings'. 
  • Select the 'Leave rights' tab. 
  • Check whether the employee still has sufficient leave rightds.  


  1. The administrator has specified in the code settings that the absence is only available to a user with a certain role (administrator, approver and so on). 
  • Go to 'Organisation'. 
  • Select 'Settings absences'. 
  • Click on the pen icon next to the absence.  
  • Check which type of user is allowed to enter the absence. 

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