I want to request a holiday and I have enough days left, but still I can't take them

Updated by Maarten De Puysseleir

If you still have remaining leave of a certain type, but can't request it for the desired period, check the details of your leave balance. Your leave right may be limited to a certain period.  

  • Go to 'Employees'. 
  • Select the employee in the left-hand column. 
  • Click on 'Personal calendar'.  
  • Move the mouse over the summarised balance. 
  • Click on 'Details'. 


You can see the validity of the leave under 'From – to'. Take this period into account when applying for leave. 


It is best to select the leave with the least time flexibility first. When placing a request, it will be checked whether you still have sufficient leave of this type and whether your request suits your work schedule on the requested days. If either condition is not met, your request will not be sent and you will receive a message on the issue. 


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