How can someone request leave for someone else? How can I make sure that someone can no longer request leave for someone else?

Updated by Maarten De Puysseleir

Method 1: 

  • Go to 'Organisation'. 
  • Select 'Roles'. 
  • Click on 'Acting like someone else'.  
  • To add someone: click on 'Add person'. 
  • Select a department in the selection field next to the person and tick the necessary modules. 
  • Don't forget to save to keep the changes.  
  • You can also remove the 'acting like someone else' rights here by clicking on the recycle bin on the line of the employee whose rights you want to remove.  

Method 2: 

  • Go to 'Employees'. 
  • Select an employee from the list on the left. 
  • Click on 'Settings'. 
  • Select the 'Roles' tab. 
  • Click on 'Add role' and select a department.  
  • Tick 'Acting like someone else'. 
  • Don't forget to save to keep your changes. 


To remove the entitlements, simply untick them (if the person still needs to keep some other entitlements in the department) or click on the recycle bin at the end of the line. 

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