How can I grant leave entitlements to several employees at the same time?

Updated by Maarten De Puysseleir

  • Go to 'Organisation'.
  • Click on 'Bulk edits'.
  • Select 'Assign leave rights'.
  • Click on 'Add leave rights' to add a leave right to the list or select 'Copy leave rights from…' to use the leave rights of an employee who has the same rights as the employee to whom you want to grant the leave rights.
  • When all lines in the table have been completed correctly, click on 'Next step' in the bottom right corner.
  • Select employees from the left-hand list.
  • Click the right arrow between the two lists to add the employee to the list.
  • Click on 'Next step' in the bottom right corner.
  • Select one of the two options:
    • Add new leave rights to existing leave rights.
    • Replace existing leave right with new leave rights.
  • Click on 'Save' to assign the rights.

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