An employee is unable to log in.

Updated by Maarten De Puysseleir

Check whether the employee is entitled to log into HR Selfservice. 

Method 1: 

  • Go to 'Employees'. 
  • Select the employee in the left-hand column. 
  • Click on 'Personal details'. 
  • You will find the access rights for each module in the bottom left corner. 
  • Only employees with 'Enters own absences' or 'Guest access' can log in. 
  • Change the rights, if necessary. 
  • Click on 'Save' to keep the changes. 


Method 2: 

  • Go to 'Organisation'.  
  • Select 'Access rights'. 
  • Only employees with 'Personal entry' or 'Guest access' can log in. 
  • Change the rights, if necessary. 
  • Select 'Save' to keep the changes. 

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