How do I create a new type of overtime?

Updated by Chris Storms

We recommend that you contact your Payroll consultant first. After all, you will need to enter a number of pay codes when setting up overtime. It is important that you use the correct pay codes with the correct percentages.

Go to "Organisation" > "Settings overtime".

Select "New code" at the bottom left


Under which description will the overtime be shown in HR Selfservice?

Performed overtime will be encoded in Payroll as

Check this box if you actually want the worked (overtime) hours to be sent to Payroll and thus typically also be paid (e.g. to 50%)

When you check this box you must also specify a Payroll wage code.

If the wage code you are looking for is not in the list, this may have two causes

  • The wage code does not exist for your company. You can check this on "Organisation" > "Settings absences". If the wage code does not exist, contact your Payroll consultant to create it.
  • The wage code is set in days. Since we are configuring overtime here; the wage code should be configured in hours. You can change this on "Organisation" > "Settings absences".

Each extra hour worked entitles you to x hours of recovery as...

Check this box when worked (overtime) hours also entitle you to recuperation.

Indicate how many hours of recuperation you will receive for each performed (over)hour. Typically this is one to one.

Indicate under which counter (wage code) you will keep track of the recup.

If the wage code you are looking for is not listed, this may have two causes

  • The wage code does not exist for your company. You can check this at "Organisation" > "Settings absences". If the wage code does not exist, contact your Payroll consultant to create it.
  • The wage code is set in days. Since we are configuring overtime here the wage code should be in hours. You can change this at "Organisation" > "Settings absences".
If you are working with a "time for time" system or want to track sliding work hours you can create an absence code for the recup-counter ("Organisation" > "Settings Absences" with the wage code "Do not send to Payroll".

Available for...

Here you determine what role an employee should have to book/request this.

As an administrator, you can book everything anyway.

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