Three types of document folders

Updated by Chris Storms

HR Selfservice supports 3 types of document folders

Personal folders.

These are folders that you created to save documents related to a certain employee. Every personal folder is available on the profile of each employee. The contents of the folder however a specific to the employee.

E.g. : a folder "Contract" where you keep the employee's contract.

Public folders.

Public folders contain documents that are applicable for the entire organisation (e.g. car policy or mobile phone policy) . These folders are accessible (read-only) for all employees that have access to the digital file.

System-generated folders (Absences, Expenses)

These folders are automatically generated by HR Selfservice with attachments from Absences or Expenses.

These folders are read-only.

You can create new folders or edit existing folders under Organisation > Settings documents . You can also manage the access an employee has on this folder.

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