Personnel file : pricing

Updated by Chris Storms

The personnel file (Personal data, Documents, Training, Assets) is included in HR Selfservice for "central" use. This means that an HR manager or manager (with the role "administrator" in HR Selfservice) can use the personnel file free of charge.

However, if you also give employees access to certain functionalities, these will be charged (€ 1.02 per employee per month with absences or expenses / € 2.05 per employee per month without absences or expenses).

If you give an employee access to several functionalities within the Personnel File (e.g. Personalia and Documents), these will of course only be charged once.

Which access rights are charged or not?

Personal details

Does not have access : not charged

Read only : charged

Request edits: charged


Does not have access : not charged

Read only : charged


Does not have access : not charged

Has access : charged


Does not have access : not charged

Read only : charged

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