What is the Personnel file?

Updated by Chris Storms

The Personnel File does four things:

  • It allows employees to check their personal data (Personal details menu) and request a change.
  • It allows you to give employees access to certain folders in the document archive (Documents menu).
  • it allows you to manage your employees trainings (Training menu)
  • it allows you to manage who has which asset (Asset menu)

If you turn off the Personnel File, your employees will no longer have access to their Personal Data, Documents or Trainings in HR Selfservice. They will, of course, be able to continue to access their salary documents.

As an administrator, you will still have access to the personal data, documents and trainings in HR Selfservice even if you turn off the Personnel File. Administrator access still remains free, but you may no longer give your employees access.

 If you keep the Personnel File active, you will be invoiced EUR 1 per employee per month.

You can check your users under Organisation > Modules.


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