How can I make someone an administrator? How can I make sure that someone can no longer act as an administrator?

Updated by Maarten De Puysseleir

To be an administrator in HR Selfservice, a person must have a login to If this is not the case, the request will be given 'Being processed' status and SD Worx will perform the necessary checks with regard to that person's rights. 


You can make someone an administrator in two ways: 

Method 1: 

  • Go to 'Employees'. 
  • Select the employee in the left column. 
  • Click on 'Settings'. 
  • Select the 'Roles' tab. 
  • Tick the administrator option and save. 


Method 2: 

  • Go to 'Organisation'. 
  • Click on 'Roles'. 
  • Select 'Administrators'. 
  • Use the 'Add person' button under the list on the left. 
  • Follow the instructions in the wizard. 
  • Select 'Save'.

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