What is HR Selfservice Assets?

Updated by Chris Storms

HR Selfservice Assets allows you to keep track of which employee has which "material".

"Material" can be very broad. For example laptop, software licences, smartphone, safety shoes, clothing, helmet, keys, access badges.

You decide which assets you need within your company. You can define separate properties for each asset.

  • For a laptop for example, this could be brand, model, serial number, memory and hard disk.
  • For shoes or clothing, for example, only the size.

So first set up a asset type (consider this as a template for the resource) where you define the properties.

Then you can use this asset type as a template to assign concrete assets to employees. The characteristics fields (e.g. brand, model, serial number) that you have set on the type level will then be available. You only need to fill in the value (e.g. HP, X120, ACB-123-AJU-122) for that specific asset.

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