The leave approver/administrator does not receive an email with an overview of the pending requests.

Updated by Chris Storms

Attention: An e-mail is not immediately sent for requests. HR Selfservice sends a single e-mail at night to the approver with the open requests.
For urgent requests (requests for the day itself or the day after) an e-mail is sent immediately. 
As an administrator, you will receive a daily e-mail with all open requests in your organisation.

If you do not receive an e-mail, there are 4 possible causes:  

There are no open requests left.

HR Selfservice only sends an e-mail when there are open requests.


The email has arrived in the 'Spam' folder.  

  • Check the spam folder in your email application (for example Outlook). 
  • Make sure that the emails from the My Absences sender ( always go into your inbox (or another folder).  


The e-mail address of the person responsible is not filled in (correctly).  

  • Go to 'Employees'. 
  • Select the employee from the list on the left. 
  • Go to 'Settings'. 
  • Check the approver's e-mail address.  


The 'Daily reminder e-mail' option is not selected.  

  • Go to 'Organisation'. 
  • Select 'General settings'.  
  • Tick the 'Daily reminder e-mail' option under 'Mail preferences'.  


E-mails will only be sent for requests that have not been approved within 24 hours. An email will be sent immediately for requests today and today +1. 

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