Who can do what in assets?

Updated by Chris Storms

As an employee.

This depends on the access rights to assets that you have given to the employee.

These are set under the tab Organisation > Access rights

  • Has no access
    The menu Assets is not visible for the employee. He/she cannot see which assets have been assigned to him/her.
  • Read only
    The menu Assets is visible for the employee and he/she has read access to his/her own assets. However, an employee can never make changes.
Please note: this access is billable. If this employee did not already have access to another functionality of the personnel file, you will be charged for it.
As an assets administrator

You can create an assets administrator under the tab Organisation > Roles.

As a assets administrator you can do everything on the assets in your organisation.

You have access to the assets of all employees, including those who do not have access.

As an assets administrator you can

  • Assign assets to an (other) employee

  • Change or remove assets

  • Remove assets from the company

  • Create new asset types.

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