How to make a new expense type or modify an existing one.

Updated by Chris Storms

You decide which expenses your employees can submit.

The various expense types that can be submitted are managed under Organisation > Settings expenses

  • To create a new expense type, select New expense type
  • To edit an existing expense type, click the expense type in the table

Fill in or change the fields.


Here you define under which name the expense type will be visible in the application. For example: "Restaurant expenses".

The menu with the 3 dots allows you to enter the description in 3 languages.


Here you specify whether it is a fixed amount, a variable amount or a number of kilometres.

Fixed amount

When submitting this type of expense, the submitter does not have to enter an amount. This is predetermined by you in the expense type in the "Amount" field.

Usage example: a fixed daily allowance of €8.64

Variable amount

When submitting this type of expense, the submitter must specify an amount. This is the most common type of expense.

Usage example: restaurant expenses, parking, public transport

Fixed amount * Km

When submitting this type of expense, the submitter has to specify a number of kilometres. The number of kilometres is multiplied by an amount per kilometre predetermined by you in the "Number" field. These amounts are not automatically indexed.

Usage example: mileage allowance.


To use this expense type, some things have to be set up in your payroll package. Contact your SD Worx Payroll consultant first for this.

When submitting this expense type, the submitter must specify a number of kilometres. The reimbursed amount is automatically calculated in Payroll with the most recent, official mileage reimbursements and are automatically indexed. This option therefore only works when you choose to pay out via the payslip.

Usage example: mileage reimbursement

Fixed number

To use this expense type, some things have to be set up in your payroll package. Contact your SD Worx Payroll consultant first for this.

When submitting this expense type, the submitter should not specify an amount or number. This expense type ensures that a certain , preset by you, value is included with a certain wage code chosen by you. The wage package then takes care of calculating the amount to be refunded.

Usage example : this option is only used for very specific applications.


You can enter a minimum and maximum amount per expense type.

This amount is per expense.

General ledger

You can link a general ledger account to your expense type here. Note: this information is not sent to Payroll and has no impact on the accounting list. It allows you to link expenses to certain general ledger accounts via the reporting in HR Selfservice.


HR Selfservice Expenses supports 3 types of payment.

  1. together with the salary
  2. directly (by the bookkeeping for example) with mention on the payslip and tax sheets
  3. directly (by bookkeeping, for example) without mention on the payslip and tax sheets
Belgian regulations have required since 2022 that all reimbursed expenses appear on the fiscal fihes. So you only use option 3 for external or foreign employees.
Payroll code

This is the wage code under which this expense will be sent to Payroll (if the expense is actually sent to Payroll).

Can be encoded by

Here you define which role an employee must have in order to book/request this expense.

As administrator, you can book everything anyway.

Receipt required

A supporting document can be added to each expense. This option makes it compulsory to add receipts to this type of expense.

Allow other currencies

HR Selfservice supports automatic currency conversion (based on the daily rate that the expense was incurred).

If you don't want expenses to be entered in currencies other than Euro, uncheck this.

Automatic approval

Upon submission the expense is automatically approved. You only want to use this in very special circumstances. Expenses typically have to be approved manually.

Comment fields

HR Selfservice allows you to provide up to 4 comment fields per expense type. These serve to request additional information when this type of expense is submitted (For example: number of participants at a restaurant visit, or the name of the customer).

There are 2 types of comment fields

  • Free field
    You just give a name to the field and the employee can enter any value.
  • Menu
    You give a name to the field and define a list of values the employee can choose from. Click on options to reuse an existing list or create a new one. When you change the values in an existing list, they change with every expense that uses this list.

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