What is the digital file?

Updated by Chris Storms

You can use the digital file to save your employee-related documents in HR Selfservice. The digital file is included in HR Selfservice free of charge.

How does it work?

To use the digital file, you should create the required folders (such as signed contracts, evaluations, training courses, etc.) by going to Organisation > Settings  documents

Any folders you create are created for all employees. All folders are also created on the same level. This means it is not possible to create subfolders.

You can then upload documents for each employee.

It is simple to drag and drop documents from your computer to the folder in question. You can also drag a folder containing documents into the digital file.

The Absences and Expenses folders are provided by default (as long as you use these modules).

In these folders, you will find all the relevant documents provided in the event of an absence or an expense.

Who has access to the documents?

Only administrators have access to the documents in the digital file as standard.

You can also make folders available for employees and managers. This is a paid option.

Once activated, the digital file is opened for all administrators (including, for example, those who are only administrators for Expenses). If you would prefer this not to be the case, you can restrict administrators' rights to the digital file (via  Organisation  > Roles ).

The Absences folder will only be available to Absences administrators; the same applies to the Expenses folder.

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