How to start a new onboarding?

Updated by Chris Storms

To start an onboarding process, you must be an administrator of the Personalia module in HR Selfservice.

  • Go to the Organisation tab
  • Choose Onboarding
  • Click on Start new hire

A 3-step wizard opens.

Step 1: provide the basic details for the new hire
  • The company you want to recruit for (compulsory)
  • The position to be recruited (compulsory: this allows the different recruitments to be distinguished. This info will not be forwarded to Payroll).
  • First name, name and e-mail of the new employee (mandatory)

Optionally, you can also upload the CV.

Step 2: enter any personal details you already have.

You can also lock or hide certain blocks of information from the new employee.

Use the pen icon to do this.

Step 3 : Write an accompanying message and request any documents.

In this step, you write an accompanying message that the employee will receive.

You can also request certain documents, e.g. a copy of the identity card.

Finally, you can also set up a deadline against which the data should be delivered.

Clicking on Finish sends an e-mail with a link to the form to the new hire.

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