Deleting or modifying asset types.

Updated by Chris Storms

Once you have created an asset type (with the corresponding characteristics), you may want to change it later on. You can manage your asset types under the Organisation tab and then Asset Settings.

However, it is not always possible to change or delete anything.

The basic rule is: if an asset already exists that is based on this asset type, you can only make limited changes.

Delete an asset type.

There are two situations:

There are no assets based on this asset type.

In that case you can really remove the asset type. You will then no longer be able to create assets based on this asset type.

There are assets based on this asset type.

In that case you can only deactivate the asset type, not really delete it. You will then no longer be able to create assets based on this asset type but your already created assets will remain.

You can re-activate this asset type afterwards under Asset settings.

  • To view your deactivated assets, check Show deactivated assets.
  • To reactivate a deactivated asset, use the menu with the 3 dots.

You can also delete all assets based on the asset type. Afterwards you can really remove the asset type.

Modifying an asset type.

There are two situations:

There are no assets based on this asset type.

In that case you can fully modify the asset type: Properties, types etc...

There are assets based on this asset type.

In that case, the adjustments you can do are more limited.

Why? Suppose you have defined a characteristics field as "Free text" and a number of assets have this field filled in already. Afterwards you change this to a "Yes/No" field. This is of course not possible because there is already free text entered that does not "fit" in a Yes/No field.

Changing the asset description

Always possible. The information will be updated in every asset based on this asset type.

Changing the category

Always possible. The information will be updated in every asset based on this asset type.

Changing a characteristic name

Always possible. The information will be updated in every asset based on this asset type.

Changing the format of a characteristic

Only possible when this characteristic is not filled in anywhere in a linked asset.

Deleting a characteristic

Only possible when this characteristic is not filled in anywhere in a linked asset.

Change the order of the characteristics

Always possible. The information will be updated in every asset based on this asset type.

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